Sometimes you simply can’t get too much of the good stuff. During the first week of the year it added up to 4 trips to Äskhult – the little preserved hamlet from the 1700s a bit inland from home.
#1 – The solo ride
23km, 2h, 600 meters of climb
This was a bit of an exploratory ride in terms of finding ways to reach the hamlet from the North, but starting from Gällinge.

Definition of misery

Once passed the misery I finally made it up to the village and back to the car.

#2 – With Linus
26km, 2h45min, 723 meters of climb
This time more straight for it skipping the Northern loop. Starting and ending in Gällinge

#3 – The big ride – with Micke O
45km, 4h, 1146 meters of climb
The biggest ride I’ve ever done locally in terms of vertical climb. We started in Gällinge but rode all the way back home to the coast on single tracks.

And then the “usual scenary” 😉

Time has passed since last car inspection was done…

Someone had a picnic…

A coffee stop and some last trails and we made it home

#4 – With Janne and Micke Y
16km, 1h40min, 514 meters of climb
Back again after two days… This time with the problem of freezing dropper posts


Well… same place… same practice…

More happy faces after the Äskhult trails