Fall has arrived and weekends are bliss. Especially when you get to ride bike parks with your kids.
Arrival before opening hours gives you the opportunity to go though the gear and enjoy the excitement that’s in the air before everyone gets their highs down the trails

Into the fog and up above is the melody before it burns off

Built trails or natural – we love it any way they come

Can’t get enough of that view

Yeah, why not have a jog at the kids winter conveyer during the lunch break

Only to get going again

Hang on… Who’s that in the line… Pierre and his buddy. About time for a west coast Fuck All Ya 😉

Back home we discover some memories and buy our own gear for the kids

Weekend again and we are back

Credits! Straight out of the museum

Biking continues

The mud starts to build up as we do more of the natural trails

Isbaerg is a young bike park destination but doing well. Looks promising to have another machine built track next time back